Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cilantro pesto

I love it when I come across a recipe that uses what I already had in the fridge. In this case, a bunch of cilantro and some garlic, and lo and behold, this was on Bitten. I had all the ingredients (except ginger) for the salsa, and figured that chicken goes with just about anything.

Plus, pesto is easy to make (the hardest part is cleaning the blender.)

1. Throw a LOT of herbs, a clove or two garlic, a couple tablespoons olive oil, and maybe some nuts or whatever else you feel like in a blender:

2. Blend.

That's it. No simmering, no reducing. Simple.

Served over sauteed chicken breasts and zucchini (would be even better over grilled chicken breasts, but as I may previously mentioned, I lack a yard or a grill.)

Other suggestions: over pasta (hot or cold), veggies, anything grilled-- I think it would be great over grilled fish.

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